All You Need to Know About Anal Bleaching

The world has gone crazy over butts. Think about all the insane things people do these days to get their tushy looking like Beyonce’s Bootylicious Bum. And thanks to celebrities like Kylie Jenner, we’ve been gifted with the ultimate beauty trend to get a perfect booty.
You ready for it?
Anal Bleaching.
The truth is, porn stars have been doing it for years. But as Brazilian waxes have grown in popularity, more and more of us common-folk are taking notice of the skin color around the …um… backdoor. Waxing specialists report that many people are surprised at how dark their skin tone is down-under, and want to know how to lighten the pigment.
No longer exclusive to the Kardashians of the world, this cheeky beauty trend has hit the mainstream. Spas who offer the service report that requests for butt bleaching appointments have doubled in the last year. And not just from women – men are getting their bum bleach on too.
While this may sound crazy, people are loving this tushy-tastic new trend. Here’s the top 5 things you need to know BEFORE becoming a bleach babe:
1) How Does Skin Lightening Work?
While referred to as “anal bleaching,” it’s is more lightening cream than Clorox. Infact, we do not use any bleach or any other harmful ingredients. The products work by stopping the development of melanin in your skin – which is the chemical that causes dark pigment.
Did you know you actually have 3 layers of skin? Hypodermis, Dermis and finally, Epidermis (which is the top layer).
Skin Lightening creams work from the inside out, so to speak. They start by preventing Melanin from producing in the hypodermis, as your body naturally gets rid of old skin cells, the body pushes them to the top and the new cells that form have less melanin – which results in a lighter pigment. This is why when you first start using a lightening serum, you may not notice any change at all.
Most spas and DIY home treatments use gentle ingredients, such as Kojic acid. This is actually a byproduct of rice fermentation, and is used to change the color of many food and cosmetic products. Dear Kitty uses many other natural ingredients that help with the skin lightening process.
2) Why Do People Get Their Bum Bleached?
As Brazilian-style waxing and laser hair removal have become more popular, people are much more aware of their intimate areas. They feel self-conscious about what they see, and want to feel clean and well-groomed down below.
A lot of times people do it for their partner, who might feel a bit squeamish about the darker skin. But most people do it for themselves, so they can feel confident and sexy when they know someone is seeing their backside during intercourse. You would be really surprised if you knew just how common it is. We literally have millions of customers who have purchased our product from all over the world. We currently sell to 67 countries worldwide.
3) How Long Will It Take To Lighten Your Anus?
You’re not Casper The Ghost! You don’t want a stark-white butthole. A good rule of thumb (or bum), is to aim for two to three shades lighter than your natural pigment.
We advise that it normally takes 6-12 weeks depending on your skin pigmentation, but many people start noticing results in about 7 days. Normally you will not notice any change taking place at first (which is why we recommend taking weekly photos!) and then about 6-8 weeks in, you will notice a fairly rapid change in color. The real key is to be patient and persistent. It does take a little bit of time but our customers who keep up with the process always report how happy (and even surprised!) they were with the results. We also recommend using our intimate lightening cream atleast 3 times per week once you reach your desired result for maintenance purposes.
4) Can You Lighten At Home?
Absolutely! We know just from our sales numbers that most people would prefer to do it at home.
A lot of people are too embarrassed to bare it all at a salon, and prefer to conduct the simple treatment themselves in the privacy of their own home. If you’re not ready to get up-close-and-personal with your local salon personnel, then you’re probably better off with a DIY at-home treatment.
Conducting a private anal bleach sesh at home is super simple – Just follow the step-by-step instructions on the box. The important part is choosing the right product. Make sure any at-home treatments have natural ingredients and can be used on all skin types. Of course we recommend our own product and believe it to be the best product on the market. More importantly, we use loads of natural ingredients to help in this process and don’t use any Hydroquinone. Be very careful and wary of products that use Hydroquinone as this can cause irreversible damage.
When in doubt, turn to your trusty friend Google. Search for reviews on the products you’re considering to find out which one is best for your tender tushy.
5) Is It Safe?
High-quality products should use natural ingredients and be safe for all skin types. They shouldn’t burn or irritate the skin (although you may feel a slight tingle. This is fairly common.)
The major risk is getting the process done at a salon or spa, where you can’t control the cleanliness, or the expertise of the person conducting the treatment. This is why many people prefer the DIY method in the privacy of their own home, where you’re in total control.
So what do you think? Ready to try out this fancy fanny trend and get a shiny new nether region?
Like any health or beauty treatment, the most important part is doing your homework. Do your own investigating before trying any new products or treatments. If you have questions or want to learn more, check out our manufacturer FAQs , or do some Googling to find product reviews. If you can’t find all of the answers you are looking for, you can always contact us via email and one of our support team will be more than happy to help you with any questions that you may have.
Hopefully this brief guide has given you enough information to help You find the products which are right for you, so you can finally get your perfect bleached badonk-a-donk!